Learn how to be the BOSS of your labor & have the birth of your dreams.




Grab your copy of our super comprehensive Birth Plan Checklist for FREE.

My birth plan breaks down every major decision you’ll need to make during your birth in an easy-to-read checklist format, making communication with your support team a breeze.


Meet Dr. Sarah

I’m a chiropractor and birth educator who worked with moms long before I was one. So when I was pregnant with my first I figured I had it alllll under control - but I couldn’t have been more wrong.

I entered the hospital system not understanding the dynamics there or what options I truly had, and I ended up trusting my doctor more than myself, leading to an unnecessary c-section.

After years of PTSD and anxiety from that experience, I reclaimed my power by deeply educating myself & realizing that I was the authority of my birth. I birthed my second son unassisted, and felt reborn myself.

Today I help other women to avoid what I experienced by educating them on all of their options, not just what is told to them in a 7 minute OB appointment. Women leave my course fully embracing their power, understanding that they are the ultimate decision-makers of their birth.

I know you are a smart, capable woman and, given the right tools, can have any birth you desire.


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Listen in as I interview women with unique birth stories, holistic health experts, and insiders in the wellness world to discuss everything from how to prepare for postpartum to uterine transplants and so much more.




If you’re ready to get confident & empowered for your dream birth, Confident Birth Academy is the perfect roadmap. You’ll walk away from this course ready to tackle all the decisions for you and your baby, prepared with scripts on how to talk to providers, what to expect postpartum, and more.


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