Only 10% of women have their water break before the start of labor.
The rest of women who have their water break spontaneously have it happen during labor or as the baby’s being born - unless it doesn’t break at all and baby is born in the sac (known as en caul).
The amniotic sac is thick and protective, separating your baby from the outside environment. Once that barrier is broken and people start inserting their hands and tools into your vagina, your risk of infection increases dramatically. And if you’re at a hospital, you’re now on a countdown to Pitocin and ultimately a c-section.
Amniotic fluid allows your baby room to get into the proper position for birth. If they’re not in that position yet and someone breaks your water, the baby will drop into your pelvis in a suboptimal way.
This poor positioning can cause excess pain for you and can mean that it takes the baby longer to emerge. This can lead to interventions like an epidural or Pitocin that you hadn’t planned on.
When did your water break? Or was it broken for you?